Hey everyone! Welcome back to our training series on recruiting. We hope you have all checked out the Facebook Live training I did on recruiting (check it out here) and have already started implementing these strategies into your businesses.

In terms of recruiting, there are three different types: Personal Sponsoring (building your personal business), Each One Reach One (encouraging everyone in your organization to bring a friend along) and Group Sponsoring.

Today we will be covering the area of Group Sponsoring.

Group sponsoring requires a different approach than one-on-one sponsoring does, but the great news is that it can be exponentially more effective.

Group sponsoring is where you make available different types of events for your team members where they can invite leads to learn more about the business.  This means that your newest team members – those who are the most excited, scared and the least knowledgeable – can bring their leads to the event and leave with a new team member.

These events where you share the opportunity is where you will want to talk about your company’s products, programs and profits.

Many of your new consultants often have a fear of sponsoring when they start their businesses. They say things like, “I don’t know enough yet” and “I haven’t read through the entire compensation plan, nor do I understand it enough to answer questions” and “I’m still so new, I don’t know how to train someone.”

It is your job as a leader to make sure your new team members understand that you’re there to help them every step of the way.

Your new team members will feel more secure in attending opportunity events if they know that for the most part, you will be doing the sponsoring for them. That is, you will be doing the sponsoring talk, discussing the company and answering questions. Remind your new consultants you will continue to be with them and their new team members every step of the way until they feel more confident in their abilities.

Creating this kind of encouraging space and recruiting culture for your team members helps create momentum for your entire team.

The best types of events are where enthusiasm and excitement are built through recognizing achievements, sharing tips on how to succeed in direct sales, reinforcing individual goals and vision, and talking about the amazing benefits of your opportunity.

So let’s take a look now at the different types of opportunity events.


These types of events can be done weekly, bi-weekly or monthly in your home. Take-a-looks are evenings when consultants on your team can come with their potential recruit leads to learn more about the opportunity.

These are typically casual events, often held right after work. You will have a kit set up and serve light refreshments.

The first part of the take-a-look is the meet and greet, where people mingle and get to know each other. After they have eaten and networked, you go over the kit, talk about what direct selling means, and share the benefits of your opportunity.

If your team is spread out across the country, you can also do this through conference calling or webinars. Many people are also doing them through Facebook, much like Facebook parties.

The main objective is to create a casual atmosphere where your team can bring leads to learn more about starting a business of their own.

Team Meetings

When you run your monthly meetings, encourage your team members to bring along potential leads. Then, you can have your consultants stand and introduce their guest, which also serves as recognition.

Having guests at team meetings is a great way for them to see the variety of different consultants that they can relate to, see a meeting in action and envision what it would be like to be a part of your team.

Host Appreciation Events

These types of events are most exciting when you make them team-wide events, inviting anyone who hosted a party for any member of your team.

When promoting the event, be sure to mention that there will be prizes for top sales, best-attended party, and any other category you would like to recognize.

Hosts are always your best sponsoring candidates and a room full of them is exciting. You can use the time to honor the hosts by saying something like,

“Thank you all so much for supporting our businesses and consultants. We certainly do value and appreciate you. Many of us started out as hosts just like you.” Then you can go on to do a recruiting talk.

Get Creative!

You can create an atmosphere for recruiting at any of your events, whether at product launches, seminars and workshops and more.

The point is to always create a culture for recruiting, one that your team members can take part in.

Explaining Direct Sales

No matter what type of event you choose to hold, it’s important to start the recruiting portion of your meeting with a brief description of the direct selling business model.

Although most people would say they know what direct selling is, most don’t understand how it actually works.

You can say something like,

“No matter what stage of life you’re in, being in direct sales can offer you many opportunities. Whether you need some extra spending money, want to stay at home with your children or are looking to take a well-deserved vacation, a business in direct sales can help you achieve the things you want most in life.

Whatever your why is, this business can fit in many different areas of your life. It has provided me a wonderful journey and source of income throughout the different stages of mine.

How many of you have ever dreamed of owning your own business?”

(Then wait for them to raise their hands.)

“Well, there are many reasons people why people don’t start a business of their own. The first reason is the risk factor – risk of money and risk of time. Starting a business like a restaurant, bakery, florist or gift boutique could require as much as a few hundred thousand dollars in start-up costs and you may expect very little income for the first few years. It also requires a substantial amount of time – you can go weeks without spending time with your family.

The second reason is that even though you may be passionate or good at what you want to pursue, that doesn’t mean you know how to run a business or that you necessarily want the responsibilities involved. You may not want to deal with bookkeeping, hiring and firing, inventory, shipping, operations and so on.

Well, direct sales is a wonderful way to try your hand at owning your own business with very low start-up costs. There is little to no risk involved. To join, it is just a minimal cost to purchase your kit and you’ll immediately get the products and business aids you need to start your business.

However, if you decide the business isn’t for you, you haven’t really lost anything. You’ll have earned some income and if nothing else, you can continue to enjoy your own purchases at a discounted rate. But you may discover that you love it, and this could be the beginning of a whole new, exciting journey.

Also, you will be primarily doing the fun part of the business – which is sharing the product with others and receiving a commission. You don’t have to worry about designing the catalog, warehousing the products, getting a merchant account and so on. The company does all of this for you.”

Sharing the Three P’s: Products, Programs and Profits.

There are three main things to talk about when doing group recruiting: products, programs and profits.

The first is Products.

In this portion of the presentation, you will want to discuss the benefits of your products, how easy they are to sell and who they are best marketed towards.

Next is programs.

In this section, you will want to cover all the amazing programs your company has to support you.

And finally profits.

During the profits section, you will want to talk about the earning opportunity at your company as well as what our consultants earn on average.

Group recruiting is very effective in building your organization quickly and giving your new team members the confidence to build a business. And not only that, it helps give them a greater sense of confidence in you as a leader.