We often think that we'll become more successful when we master things like time management, self-motivation, and goal setting.In reality, when we find the things that make us feel passionate and fulfilled - things that brighten up our lives - goals tend to set themselves, time seems to be used more wisely, and nobody needs to motivate us - we just do it because we want to!

So, how do we get into that space more often?

Here are eight things (with some examples) you can start doing today that will help you BRIGHTEN up your life and find more success.

Be bold:

  • Be confident with your decisions, your choices, and your boundaries.
  • Own who you are and know that your value is worth something. Walk into every room armed with that knowledge.
  • Paint your room or office colors that give you a sense of empowerment so that, everytime you walk in the door, you feel brave, fearless, and courageous!

Radiate joy:

  • Let your inner-child come out and play sometimes!
  • Practice acts of kindness everyday, no matter how small, like holding the door for someone or simply smiling.
  • Letting yourself be present. Spending too much ‘thinking’ time in the past can create self-doubt; too much in the future can create worry.  But when you allow yourself to experience and celebrate the small moments and small goals that are happening around you every day of your life, you realize how much joy you are surrounded by.

Inspire others:

  • Be selfless. It’s not all about you. Doing things because of how others may be positively impacted, instead of only doing for your own benefit, will move others forward. Making a positive difference for someone else just makes you feel good!
  • Share your stories! Share the good ones and the bad ones; share the successes and the mistakes. One of the most inspiring things you can be in this world is human.
  • Be consistent. When people see that you treat everyone the same way, they see authenticity. When they see you practice the same habits, they see persistence. When they see you fall down and get right back up again, they see resilience. The more other people see those traits in action, the more they might believe in themselves being able to do those things, too.

Get moving:

  • Get outside. Nature and fresh air are truly two of the best ways to instantly lift your spirits.
  • Exercise. Whether it’s something low intensity, like stretching for a few minutes, or higher intensity, like taking a long run, getting your blood flowing is an easy solution when your energy feels low.
  • Clear your head with a walk. When we move, we oxygenate our bodies and brains. That is why the simple act of standing up and taking a walk will help you think more clearly when you feel stuck.

Have a plan:

  • It’s so much easier to take action when you know what’s coming next! You don’t waste time thinking and talking about what you should do...you can just go and do it.
  • Whether it’s a simple list for the day or a one-year plan, write out the steps it will take to accomplish what you are wanting to do. Get it out of your head and onto paper.
  • When you know what to do next, it’s harder to get off-track and procrastinate with things that don’t matter.

Think differently:

  • Repeat this mantra - “What other people think of me is none of my business!” Make your own choices and decisions because it makes sense for YOU.
  • Use the question “What if?” to explore how you can do something differently than you normally would. Expanding your creative brain a bit will get you off of autopilot, which can keep you stuck and also make you miss opportunities.
  • Look at what everyone else is doing, and then...do something different! That’s what innovators and great leaders do...they look at the world differently than the average person would. That’s why they’re the ones that make big things happen.

Energize yourself:

  • Like music? Turn it up! Feel free to sing at the top of your lungs if you want.
  • Dance a little bit before you leave the house in the morning (no matter who is watching).
  • It might sound counter-intuitive, but finding calm energizes you! Schedule things like meditation, reading, or petting your dog into your day, every day, even if for just a few minutes.

Never give up:

  • When you don’t quit, you get to experience what accomplishment feels like.
  • Adopt an optimistic outlook on life. This will give you feelings of abundance more often, as opposed to the feelings of scarcity that tend to follow pessimists around.
  • Learn something from everyone and everything. There is never a reason to quit; there is always a reason to learn. By looking at life as one big learning experience, you will tend to “give up” a lot less often, because you understand that every experience has value.

When we find the “whys” in our lives, nobody needs to push us to take action. Start with the why before you move on to the what and the how. When you make a habit of approaching your days in this way, you don’t have to worry about the rough waves that sometimes come with life; you just grab your board and surf.
