Over the past few years, a new term in direct sales has emerged and that is social selling. Social selling refers to the use of social media networks, like Facebook, to give Consultants the opportunity to interact with customers, build friendships, answer questions, and offer interesting and engaging content – all online.

My goal is to help you succeed and open your mind to new ways you never thought you would be able to work your business. Like I mentioned in my last free gift (check it out here), working your business in multiple ways can help you create multiple streams of income, as well as attract team members who have different.

I feel in my gut that 2016 is going to be a game changer for this industry…and for you.

So check out this FREE gift from my friend Lindsay Tompkins!

*REMINDER: And don't forget that tomorrow I will be releasing my THIRD free gift, “Six Key Elements to a Successful Home Party.”

Don't forget to leave us some love, feedback, success stories and your own tips from your Facebook parties!

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