Did you know that you can increase your income by as much as 50% just by utilizing proper customer care techniques?

That’s a lot of extra money in your pocket at the end of every month…

…especially when both you AND your team are utilizing the same strategies.

In this month's introductory Direct Selling Now session, I cover how you implement the system in detail:

Why You Need Customer Care

Think about the last time you bought something…

When you spend some time reflecting on the purchase, there's normally only one factor that is the difference between you buying or walking away.

That difference is trust.

You trust that the product, or the person that is selling you that product, will fulfill exactly what promise it made.

In general, you are more likely to do business with people you know, like and trust.

Trust can come from multiple sources, such as the recommendation of friends, belief in the product, or a long-term reputation.

The more you show interest in your customers and focus on building strong, lasting relationships, the more likely they will continue to do business with you and refer others to you.

Seems obvious, right?  So why is it that so many direct sales leaders and entrepreneurs struggle with this issue?

Why You’re Not Doing Customer Care

Customer care is more than just “follow-up” with your customers. It’s…

  • Checking in to see how your clients are doing with their current product
  • Ensuring they have everything they need for the best at home experience
  • Caring about what’s going on in their life, to help build an authentic relationship
  • Asking if you can be of assistance in any way

Customer care is just that – it is caring about your customer's problems…

And being there to offer them new solutions.

Increase Your Income by 50%

Even though statistics show that organized customer care and follow-up increases your income by 50%, over 75% of businesses never follow up at all.

Not even once…


In general, the answer is FEAR.

You’re afraid of:

  • Rejection
  • Feeling self-conscious
  • Picking up the phone
  • You’re already overwhelmed and can't imagine having MORE to do…

It's just like riding a bike – the only way to get better is to try and try again…

Confidence in your customer care comes from long term practice and systems.

This means practicing what to say and practicing how to respond when you hear the scary word:


Redefine what “NO” means to you.  Because it's not what you think.

No typically means “not right now” or “I'm not ready.”

What it doesn't mean is, “you’re a loser and I hate your products.”

Contrary to what you might think, outside of a few rare cases, using your product or service ISN'T your customer's top priority.

There are many things you can do to create that urgency (which we cover extensively here in Direct Selling Now), but even then they're on their own schedule.

When you touch base with a client to see if they need anything and they respond with “I’m alright, thanks,” learn to move on from that.

Know that their “no” isn’t a form of rejection. They are just actually all set with what they need at that current moment.

All you have to do from there is say “No problem. I am so glad you are still all set!  May I check back in with you next month?”

Why You’re Overwhelmed

Overcoming Customer Care Overwhelm

Just like most strategies, customer care is most effective when it is part of your ongoing process.

Following up with your customers, booking leads, hosts and sponsoring leads can become an overwhelming task if not properly planned.

When you finally find the time to sit down and make a phone call, you are rummaging through tens or hundreds of leads, trying to figure out where to start and who to start with.

In summary, your focus has to get extremely clear.  The following questions will get you there:

  • What needs to be done?
  • How do you need to engage with your different customers and leads?
  • What systems that work to repeat and scale your successful model (and teach it to your team)

Your customer care time is money

Your time is valuable. I want you to use it POWERFULLY to increase your income, your team and your monthly bookings.

Thousands of consultants have used this system in their business AND in their life.

Want some feedback on how those questions can make a difference?  Just post your questions or reactions using the Facebook Comments below.

Or – since you've made it fully through this blog, I'll extend a special offer for you on my Power Hour – which will give you all the specific training, documents, and systems to implement what I'm sharing here.

The Power Hour helps you take one hour of your day and split it into four 15-minute segments where you will follow-up with each category of client:

  • Customer Care
  • Booking Leads
  • Current Hosts
  • Sponsoring Leads

Let's create big results for you in the month ahead!