You’ll often hear me say, bookings are the heartbeat of your business. And I believe that! I also believe that without them, your business will die.
Okay, maybe your business won’t die, but it certainly won’t be living up to its full potential. One of the most important goals of direct sales is to see the people. You want to try to get your product and business in front of as many people as you possibly can. And the way you do this, of course, is through scheduling home parties, online parties and one-on-one appointments.
As long as you have bookings scheduled and secured, you have the ingredients to create a successful and lasting business.
But how do you get a client or customer to say YES?!
[headline style=”1″ align=”center” headline_tag=”h2″]Three Power Questions[/headline]
If someone seems unsure about booking, you should ask a series of three power questions that will get them to say yes. These three yeses will remind your guest how much they enjoyed the party and help lead them toward saying yes to booking a party:
- Did you have fun?
- Are there any products that you want but couldn’t get tonight?
- Do you think your friends would enjoy this experience?
When they have answered yes to these questions (and they will!), we want to help them make a decision by offering choices. For example, ask your customer what works best for them – a weekday or weekend? And continue to narrow a date down from there.
By following this process of choices, customers come t their own conclusions with a little bit of help from you.
[headline style=”1″ align=”center” headline_tag=”h2″]Three Places to Look for Bookings[/headline]
Many of times, we feel like we’ve run out of places to look for new hosts. That’s why it’s important to build a booking lead notebook where you can record your potential hosts. You will want to split your booking lead notebook into categories to remind you that you actually know a lot more people than you think! Here are three of my favorite categories to pull from:
- “Who do you know who?” As in, who do you know who would enjoy this product? Who do you know who would be interested Always look to your existing network, current customers and past hostesses and ask them for referrals. Everyone at some point in their life will need your product, a fun night out with friends or the benefits of a home-based business. And when you meet someone at a time when they aren’t interested, find out if they know someone who is. For an added bonus, you can offer referral gifts to people who help connect you with others. When reaching out to your referrals, always be sure to mention who referred them.
- It’s important to go where your customers are! Put yourself in places where your community are and network! Try local hair salons, gyms, malls, nail salons, chamber events, mom groups, local restaurants and so on.
- Social Media. Social media is a great way to reach out to new areas of people you may have never had the opportunity to network with otherwise. Join Facebook groups that potential customers could be in, join conversations on popular Facebook pages and connect with friends of friends. However, DON’T spam! Be authentic and aim to build real connections with these people and offer them valuable content, outside of just your products. My friend, Lindsay Tompkins, will be talking more about this in depth in week 4 so stay tuned!
This article is being shared as part of a training series from Direct Selling Now, our FREE community for direct sellers. To learn more, visit